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Sunday 7 June 2020

Venezuela Receives 6th Aid Shipment from China to Fight COVID-19

Vice President Delcy Rodriguez thanked China and the bilateral cooperation between nations.
Vice President Delcy Rodriguez thanked China and the bilateral cooperation between nations. | Photo: Twitter @ViceVenezuela

 6 June 2020

The vice president reiterated that with this shipment a historic step is taken to solidify the relations of both nations. 
Venezuela received Saturday about 80 tons of humanitarian aid from China, marking the sixth delivery of its kind since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
Venezuela Receives Humanitarian Aid From UN, WHO, Russia
“We thank President Xi Jinping and the Chinese people represented here by their ambassador for this humanitarian aid that they have provided to combat COVID-19 in our country," Vice President Delcy Rodriguez said at the Simon Bolivar International Aiport in Caracas.

The vice president reiterated that with this shipment a historic step is taken to solidify the relations of both nations.

"More than 800 quick tests arrive in this shipment, technology with machinery and all the accessories to process the PCR tests for the detection of COVID-19, which represents a historic step in building our strategic bilateral relationship," she added.

Hoy recibimos el 6to vuelo con asistencia humanitaria para la atención del desde la República Popular China. Pruebas PCR y rápidas, nueva tecnología china para pruebas moleculares, mascarillas, trajes de bioseguridad, ventiladores y muchos insumos más. ¡Gracias China!
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The shipment also includes health supplies, personal protective equipment for health workers, and two million masks. In total, the Venezuelan government confirmed they have received about 300 tons of aid from the Asian giant.

"It is an achievement of the effort of both parties for the implementation of the agreements between President Maduro and Xi Jinping," China's Ambassador to Venezuela Li Baorong added.

As of Saturday, Venezuela reports over 2,300 cases with more than one million tests carried out.

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