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Friday 21 August 2020

 Sri Lanka: On JVP’s political setback

 Sri Lanka badly needs some skilful politicians in parliament to defend the democratic traditions and to educate public on policies of government.
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by a patriotic Lankan-
August 21, 2020
The setback of the JVP in this general election is not merely a political defeat for JVP political party alone rather it is a great setback for the democracy in this country. JVP has been a vibrant political force in this country in the recent time. JVP MPs have been brining out all dirty political corruption and fraud out. They have been debating all wrong doings in Parliament in recent times. They have been speaking for the public interest and public welfare. They have been a collective national voice for people in Parliament. Yet, people have rejected them in many electorates. This is not good at all for Sri the Lankan democracy. 
The Sri Lankan parliament needs some honest JVP politicians to speak for people. SJB is a formidable political power in Sri Lanka today. Yet, 70 years of politics in Sri Lanka tell us two main political parties have done little to develop this country. Sri Lankan democracy needs some strong opposition. In fact, all ruling parties in Sri Lankan politics have been using their political power to manipulate the rule of law. The rulers influence and interfere in judiciary. The President has got an excessive power to interfere in judiciary as result of this, judiciary can not work on its own free of political influence. This opens the gate of corruption and fraud in Sri Lankan politics. How many crooks and thieves got away with their crimes in the past. The political party such as JVP has been exposing all these corruption and yet, people have not vote for them?
Sri Lanka badly needs some skilful politicians in parliament to defend the democratic traditions and to educate public on policies of government. It wasexpected from the JVP to do far better in this general election 2020. Yet, it has met with a humiliating political setback in this election. What does it tell us? It tells a lot about people’s mind set in this country. People are not yet ready to vote for JVP. People know well that JVP members are honest and dedicated people. People know well that the members of JVP are educated and highly qualified people and yet, people are not ready to vote for them. People in this country are not politically educated. They are easily lured by politicians with some false promises and pledges. People in this country put their personal interest above the national interest. They do not care about the future of this country rather all what they care is to gain some personal benefits from politics. That is why people have voted for some political thieves in this general election. Some incompetent politicians are being elected in this election and yet, some able and skilful MPs from JVP are left out. Why is this indifference for JVP in this country?
We find very cheap politics in Sri Lanka. Even in this digital world, Sri Lankan politics is in a rudimentary stage. People go behind MPs to fulfil their material needs. For instance, to get a job with a support of MPs or get their works done. Therefore, people always go with wining parties in Sri Lankan politics. They do not care about the qualities and qualifications of MPs they elect. They do not care if MPs could debate any issue in parliament eloquently. They do not care about the national interest of this nation rather they care about their pockets. It was expected that JVP to secure at least 10/15 MPs in this general election to create some lively debates in the Parliament. The defeat of JVP in this general election is not merely a loss for their political party rather Sri Lankan Parliament missed out some of brilliant political minds in this election. 
The democratic voice must be echoed louder in the corridor of Sri Lankan parliament. That needs some vibrant politicians to raise their voice louder. Yet, today, SLPP and SJB are two sides of the same coin. These political parties have been exploiting public for their personal interest not for the national interest of this country. In the recent time, JVP has produced some young and ingenious politicians with vibrant debating skills. The defeat of the JVP in this election is not merely a defeat for JVP alone rather it is a great lost to this nation. Compare the academic and professional qualifications of some MPs of JVP and other political parties. JVP is only political party that nominate the most qualified and most suitable candidate for general elections.
I just give some simple comparisons to make this clear-cut distinction between JVP and other MPs in parliament. The main political parties want to win the general election by any means. So, they do not care about qualities and qualifications of candidates they nominate for general elections. Sometime an uneducated rich man is given preference to over a qualified person in the nominations of main political parties.
There are so many differences between the members of JVP and the other political parties. The JVP keeps its promise and works with sincerity and dedication and yet, people are not ready to vote for JVP.Only 3 JVP MPs are elected to this parliament, this is indeed, a great loss for this nation. why do not educated people in this country vote to the JVP candidates? Why do not academics, and professional people vote to the JVP candidates? Why do not religious leaders support the clean politics of JVP? I think that people still do not have confidence in JVP? People keep their historical grudge on JVP. People suffered a lot during JVP insurgencies in the past. People have not forgotten the history and that is why JVP finds it hard to win the hearts and minds of public.
JVP should not give up its political struggle rather it should come up with new strategiesto win public support. It must create some new mechanisms to approach people. It must have some new strategies educated people on politics. It will take sometimes to do this and yet, it has a brainpower/ human resources to do this. JVP should reconsider its political agenda and it should reconsider its past mistakes and it should revaluate its mistake. What went wrong in its politics? why it can not get support? Do people still want to have corrupt politicians in parliament? How do they convince people with their political ideas? How do they make an alliance with other political parties?
In the meantime, some incept MPs will create a havoc and chaos in the parliament as we have seen the recent past.Let us hope and wish that some good thing come out of this newly elected MPs. Let us hope that the president selects some able and capable MPs for ministerial posts. Let us hope that some smart MPs get some high-level ministerial posts in the greater interest of this country. Let us wait and see how the president select his cabinet. There is no doubt Sri Lanka faces some unprecedented economic challenges in the post Covid-19 period. Therefore, the president must select a team of skilful cabinet MPs to give a start leadership in this crucial time in Sri Lankan history.
All communities must put the country first before their communal interest if they want to see a prosperous Sri Lanka in coming decades. All communities must become part and parcel of nation building process rather than working for their community interest. A collective effort of all communities is much needed at this crucial time in Sri Lankan history. Now, we should not let people play politics with religion, race, language, and ethnicity rather all Sri Lankans must contribute to Sri Lankan development process without holding grudge over the past mistakes.

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