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Thursday, 25 February 2021

European grant programme for cross-border investigation opens for applications

 22-02-2021 reopens its European Cross-border grant programme to support independent cross-border investigative journalism. With this programme aims to further contribute to the development of a vital European public sphere by enabling investigations into issues of common interest to European citizens.

The awarded programme, running since 2009, supports professional journalists who have good ideas for cross-border investigations with a focus on European topics. Cross-border teams can apply for a grant to cover working time and expenses for their joint investigation.

Next to a grant, teams can also apply for a mentor to provide assistance with either the focus of the investigation or the need for competences in a specific skill.

For whom?

Teams of professional journalists from at least two European countries who have good ideas for a cross-border investigation with a focus on European topics. The programme supports journalists living in geographical Europe or a Council of Europe country. When relevant to the story, team members from elsewhere can be accepted, too.

Why this programme?

In the 21st century, the most pressing political, economic, and social issues, such as migration flows, security, finance or environmental damage, transcend national borders. As a result, journalists increasingly need to collaborate across Europe and worldwide to produce relevant and impactful investigative reporting.

In the past few years, the number of transnational investigations has risen sharply, leading to substantive political, legislative and other changes in Europe. Today independent cross-border investigative journalism is needed more than ever to find solutions to increasingly complex problems like climate change, inequality, pandemics, and so on.

The first deadline for project applications is Thursday 11 March 2021, 12 pm CET.

In 2021 there is a total amount of €200,000 available to allocate to the most interesting project proposals, over four application rounds.

To apply or to learn more about the eligibility and assessment criteria, timing, jury and grant conditions, visit

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