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Saturday 5 June 2021

Behind the COVID scene


There is desperation and a degree of panic among the populace of the Pearl. Mainly due to a bungled vaccination program by those in charge of it. The blame however is seemingly being transferred to doctors and other members of the medical profession. This exacerbates the “King Kekilla” type of situation that prevails not only among those who govern but among the people as well. After all those bizarre verdicts issued by that demented ruler of legend, were accepted by the people, weren’t they?Recently I was granted access to a WhatsApp thread put up by scientists and doctors based in the Pearl who are contacting peers in all parts of the world and asking for input at their level of knowledge. The questions range from testing methods and their efficacy to treatment and how it can have the best outcomes for individual patients. This conversation is fascinating even to a relatively uneducated layman such as myself and what must be appreciated is the high level of input and above all the extreme level of commitment from these brilliant individuals. Access to this thread is a privilege and was granted to me by a researcher based in the Auckland University who had been contacted by the initiators of the thread. The idea was that I would use my column and the good offices of the editor of this newspaper to propagate this aspect of the battle against the virus and these “unsung heroes” (my choice of words).

Their biggest lament however is that no one in POWER listens to them or takes any notice of what they are saying! A secondary one is the lack of funds required for specialized equipment that will make the testing process quicker and more accurate. Staff training is also a much-needed feature as testing tracing and isolation are among the most influential features reported in Covid-19 control. Surely this is an unacceptable situation? This is what the public should address and rectify using all means available to them. Follow directives only from professionals with credentials and DO NOT listen to anyone else. Unfortunately, even media outlets and newspapers of the Pearl seem to publish articles of pure fiction and in some cases headlines that must have been dreamt up by their editors. Another tragic fact is that these dedicated scientists are being blamed for anything and everything that goes wrong when their advice is disregarded! This sort of thing can only happen in the “land like no other”. There is a great deal of discouragement resulting from this attitude and I fear we are going to lose many members from this the most vital arm of our battle against the virus.

The single most powerful reason why Aotearoa – New Zealand is where it is with regard to controlling the virus to date is the fact that ALL decision-making with regard to controlling the virus was handed over to science. The scientists and their requirements were followed to the letter. Screams from the political opposition about the destruction of the economy that would result from the lockdown we underwent were disregarded by wise and committed leadership. The physical welfare of the people was paramount, and it worked. We had a fiscal budget presented in parliament last week and guess what, the economy is in much better shape than expected. So much better in fact that the welfare payments or “dole” as it used to be known have been increased all round. This will bring relief not only to the poorest of the poor but to a large slice of society that collects some sort of payment from the welfare state that is New Zealand.

Now that the virus is rampant, and I use the word rampant with a view to instilling real caution rather than panic, members of my family have been affected. They have ended up in quarantine centres, hospitals, and even in intensive care units. I have had to dig up my old contacts among the medical profession to inquire as to how the treatment is going and in some cases for a real prognosis on the patient. The medical care is exemplary as is the norm in the government hospitals but a disconcerting bit of news from a young and dedicated doctor in charge of the epidemic is that there are no incentives or motivating factors available for the minor staff. The attendants and the ambulance drivers who work all hours of the day could use things like packets of biscuits to supplement their meals and re-loads on their mobile phones to allow them to communicate with their families. Simple things that the companies in these fields could provide without even feeling it. But have they? If not, WHY? Is it because the relevant management and CEOs are cowering under their beds in fear, and cannot be bothered to find out what they can do within their means to help with this war? Does it take an individual living in a foreign country to find out and inform them?

What about those massive profit-making institutions empowered by the law of the land to rob the population, Banks? What have they done to contribute towards fighting this war against the Virus? Banks do have awards for the best bank, unfortunately, they don’t have one for the worst bank, as I have a nomination in mind. This particular bank operating from a massive tower built no doubt with the profits they made by exploiting their customers, would win hands down if there was a competition for the worst bank, not only in the Pearl but probably in the World! That is another story, for another day but why don’t they contact the scientists and give them the machinery they need to fight this battle? The sums involved would only be a fraction of the billions of rupees they declare as profits, every year. If anyone is interested, it will be my pleasure to give them the contact details of these selfless and dedicated heroes that no one knows about.These are the real heroes and the people who are absolutely vital to help us overcome Covid-19. Why are they being sidelined and even scorned and blamed for situations that have arisen due to bungling by politicians and bureaucrats? There may be a communication problem as their specialized knowledge and inherent modesty sometimes prevents them from marketing themselves as loudly and as “effectively” as required by a nation that is used to being governed by the laws of King Kekilla.

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