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Monday 14 June 2021

Free Peru Party Calls on Election Board to Respect Laws

Presidential candidate Pedro Castillo, Lima, Peru, June, 2021.
Presidential candidate Pedro Castillo, Lima, Peru, June, 2021. | Photo: Twitter/ @JorgeTaiana

14 June 2021

The National Election Jury extended by 48 hours the deadline for candidates to request the nullity of votes registered in the June 6 elections.

Anibal Torres, the legal advisor of the leftist Free Peru party (PL), called the National Elections Jury (JNE) to respect its own jurisprudence.


Peru Reaches One Week Without Declaring President-Elect

This supreme electoral board extended by 48 hours the deadline for candidates to request the nullity of votes registered in the June 6 elections.

Far-right candidate Keiko Fujimori continues to ask authorities to annul 200,000 votes obtained by Free Peru candidate Pedro Castillo.

Torres assured that the annulment period's extension violates the Peruvian Constitution and creates legal insecurity in the country.

He also pointed out that only 175 out of 804 vote nullity requests filed by Popular Force are subject to review.
The vast majority of these applications did not present the evidence or the corresponding signature of Fujimori.
Torres's statements come amid great tension over the electoral results. Although authorities reviewed almost 100 percent of the votes, they have not officially declared a winner even though Castillo continues to lead the count.

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