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Friday, 6 August 2021

 Urgent Open Appeal To Principal & Teacher Trade Unions & The Government: Association Of Medical Specialists

AUGUST 6, 2021

We, the Association of Medical Specialists as a professional trade union respect and salute your long unattended and neglected demands your membership unitedly pressing the government to resolve.

No educated person will be able to put a price tag on your sacrifices to keep children’s hopes alive by engaging in online education with virtually no state patronage or incentives.

We as teachers involved in medical education, agree and endorse your right to engage in trade union activities unreservedly. We blame present and past political authorities for neglecting your very reasonable claims. We are sad to note the rigid approach of the present government which has led to current stale mate.

As a responsible, educated and mostly apolitical force of the society, we plead with respect to focus on surging Covid-19 infections with the deadly Delta variant claiming the major share. With ever surging numbers of Covid-19 cases, we all should be more considerate of ordinary citizens than politicians in a more pragmatic approach. If the pandemic reaches catastrophic levels (we think it is already) our crafty politicians may even frame teachers as solely responsible for generating “Delta clusters” and we sense that they have already started working on this.

Therefore, as a professional organization we urge and plead all organisations of teaching fraternity to temporarily suspend their protest campaign purely for the safety and health of our nation in the middle of this deadly pandemic.

Further, we request from the government to make sure that all the principals and teachers get both doses of COVID-19 vaccine and allow adequate time to develop their immunity before they resume their school activities.

Finally, we would like to request from HE the President and the government to kindly consider the reasonable demands of Principals and teachers in a favorable manner and initiate a dialogue at the highest level to resolve this crisis. We also hope that the government will take all possible measures to curtail all forms of ceremonies and other public gatherings and reimpose restrictions on public movements to ease the disastrous overcrowding of public and private hospitals and to bring down the escalating daily death rates.

Thank you.                                      

Dr LakKumar Fernando                                                                    Dr R Gnanasekeram
President-AMS                                                                                  General Secretary-AMS

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