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Thursday, 5 August 2021

Xi Jinping’s China No Different from Hitler’s Germany

Many wonders as to whether China would go the same way as Hitler’s Germany or whether Xi Jinping's China would succeed where Hitler failed.

by N.S.Venkataraman-
Jul. 2, 2021 

Observing the aggressive and expansionist policies of China and it’s unconcealed ambition to become the unquestioned world super power , one cannot but tend to compare Xi Jinping’s China with Hitler’s Germany, which also had similar ambitions. There are many things common between  today’s  China and Hitler’s Germany

Many wonders as to whether China would go the same way as Hitler’s Germany or whether Xi Jinping's China would succeed where Hitler failed.

It appears that Xi JinPing is a great admirer of Hitler as he is following Hitler’s foot steps meticulously. In Hitler’s Germany, dissenters were suppressed and jews were massacred. Under Xi Jinping  , there is on going  genocide of Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang  and no dissenter in China can survive today.  The massacre of innocent Tibetans who protested against China’s occupation indicate the similarity in the mindset between Xi Jinping and Hitler

While Hitler claimed that his  was the  Nazi government, Xi Jinping claims that his is  communist government. However, in practical terms , there is no difference between these two claimed form of governance , as suppression of freedom , ruthless elimination of dissenters  and  lack of transparency in administration  are the hallmark of Hitler’s Germany and Xi Jinping’s China.

In Hitler’s Germany,  tremendous breakthrough in the field of engineering and technology happened, which emboldened Hitler to build a powerful  military force to challenge the world. Similarly, today, China has made remarkable progress  in  the scientific and industrial field , which has boosted the confidence of Xi Jinping and he has strengthened his military in a way that China can confront the world  if a war were to happen.

Hitler’s Germany aligned itself with Italy and Japan to advance it’s expansionist and world domination ambition. In the same way, Xi Jinping is forming unequal alliance with Pakistan, North Korea and  is  increasing it’s influence in  decisive way in several developing countries by extending loan and   making them debt ridden  and ensuring that they can never get out of China’s grip. 

Hitler’s target was Britain as he thought that conquering Britain would ensure that Hitler’s Germany could emerge as unchallenged super power in the world, particularly since Britain was occupying number of  countries in the world such as in Asian sub continent and other regions.  Hitler’s view was that  conquering Britain would be the pre condition  to achieve  his ambition of controlling the world.

In almost similar way, Xi Jinping’s China   wants to conquer Asia first and bring it under it’s total control , so that China’s march towards super power status would remain unhindered.

To bring Asia under it’s control, China has to necessarily destabilise India and weaken the country , so that India cannot block China’s goal.  China’s aggressive occupation of Tibet , it’s threat to invade Taiwan and ruthless suppression of freedom fighters in Hong Kong and occupying India’s territory and claiming   part of India as it’s own are all part of Xi Jinping’s long term plans  and strategies. Further, by making claim with regard to South China Sea, China is also challenging other countries like Phillipines and is  also confronting Japan.

 With Pakistan under it’s near total control, it is now a question of time when Afghanistan would go under China’s thumb. With this strategy, China would continue to harass India and perhaps, by using unethical ways, it may  even “buy” some Indian groups to create internal turbulence.

All said and done, India by itself cannot face attack from China,  particularly with countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan under China’s control.  India need the support of western countries and  particularly USA.

By withdrawing from Afghanistan all of a sudden, President Joe Biden seems  to be behaving like Lord Chamberlain, who was the weak Prime Minister of Britain before Winston Churchill.

 Joe Biden seems to be thinking that  other countries should solve their  problems . This is a weak and counter productive policy  and shows a weakness in approach that Lord Chamberlain showed towards Hitler

Today, world is certainly fearing China and not so much respecting it, in the same way that Hitler’s Germany was looked upon before the II World War. 

China has made it’s intentions and priorities clear and nobody needs to expect  that China will   mend it’s ways. Hitler never did and Xi Jinping will never do.

 In such circumstances, the world has no alternative other than confronting China and it’s allies in the same way the world did with regard to  Hitler’s Germany  and it’s allies.

 .Winston Churchill arrived on the scene in Britain and led the war against Hitler replacing Chamberlain. The question remains whether Churchill like leader would emerge in USA or any other country to make China behave.

As of now, one has to keep  the fingers crossed.

The ultimate proof that China has been contained is the liberation of Tibet from China’s vice like grip

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