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Friday 25 March 2022


Russia ramps up their wild propaganda campaign by claiming Hunter Biden is 'secretly funding bioweapons labs in Ukraine' and bankrolling 'anthrax' production

  • Russia's Defense Ministry on Thursday put out a diagram with arrows connecting Biden, Soros and the Democratic Party to Ukrainian biolabs
  • The diagram claims they are masterminds behind what Russian officials describe as 'especially dangerous pathogen of anthrax' 
  • Russia claimed the information had been found in documents seized by their soldiers in Ukraine 
  • 'The scale of the program is impressive,' said Igor Kirillov, head of the radiation, chemical, and biological defense department of the Russian Armed Forces 

Russia claimed in a colorful new graphic that Hunter Biden is funding biolabs in Ukraine and that he and Democratic billionaire George Soros are bankrolling the production of anthrax. 

In furtherance of its propaganda campaign to justify the the invasion of Ukraine, Russia's Defense Ministry on Thursday put out a diagram with arrows connecting Biden, Soros and the Democratic Party to Ukrainian biolabs. 

Titled 'Coordination of Biological Laboratories and Scientific Research Centers of Ukraine and the U.S.,' the diagram claims they are masterminds behind what Russian officials describe as 'especially dangerous pathogen of anthrax,' Russian state-owned news agency Sputnik reported. Russia claimed the information had been found in documents seized by their soldiers in Ukraine. 

Russia also claimed that the U.S. Agency for International Development (AID) was involved in the scheme, in addition to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), according to the diagram, flagged by the Daily Beast. 

'The scale of the program is impressive,' said Igor Kirillov, head of the radiation, chemical, and biological defense department of the Russian Armed Forces.

In furtherance of its propaganda campaign to justify the the invasion of Ukraine, Russia's Defense Ministry on Thursday put out a diagram with arrows connecting Biden, Soros and the Democratic Party to Ukrainian biolabs

In furtherance of its propaganda campaign to justify the the invasion of Ukraine, Russia's Defense Ministry on Thursday put out a diagram with arrows connecting Biden, Soros and the Democratic Party to Ukrainian biolabs

The colorful grahic said that Hunter Biden, pictured above with President Joe Biden, was funding the biolabs through his investment firm Rosemont Seneca

The colorful grahic said that Hunter Biden, pictured above with President Joe Biden, was funding the biolabs through his investment firm Rosemont Seneca 

Russia also claimed George Soros was involved in the scheme

Russia also claimed George Soros was involved in the scheme 

Russia claims Hunter Biden is 'funding bioweapons labs in Ukraine'

'In addition to the military department, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the George Soros Foundation, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention are directly involved in its implementation. Scientific curation is carried out by leading research organizations, including the Los Alamos National Laboratory, which develops nuclear weapons under the Manhattan Project,' he said.

They claimed that Rosemont Seneca, the investment firm Hunter founded in 2009, had financed the Pentagon's 'military-biological program' in Ukraine. Kirillov claimed there is a 'close connection' between Rosemont Seneca and 'the main contractors of the U.S. military,' including suppliers of 'Pentagon biolaboratories around the world.'

Kirillov claimed that Biden's investment fund had at least $2.4 billion in capital. But Hunter himself recently said he had to take out a loan to pay back his $1 million tax bill. 

The ministry said it had found 31 Pentagon-funded biolabs allegedly conducting illegal research. 

The Pentagon says it has invested $200 million in Ukraine since 2005 through its Biological Threat Reduction Program – an offshoot of the Nunn-Lugar program enacted after the end of the Cold War - and now works on research projects based on birds carrying viruses and the spread of swine flu.

The program has 'improved Ukraine's biological safety, security and surveillance for both human and animal health,' according to the Pentagon, including by reducing the risk of the Soviet Union's biological weapons program.

The relationship began as part of a U.S. effort to lock down unsecured biological materials after the fall of the Soviet Union, working directly with Russia and former republics. There is little known about the location of the labs, but reports in the past have suggested they have been equipped to work with deadly pathogens such as anthrax.

But Russia has used the information to accuse the U.S. and Ukraine of planning to use biological weapons – something the Biden Administration could be a signal of a planned 'false flag' operation.

China have also jumped on the claims and tweeted on March 8: 'The US has 336 labs in 30 countries under its control, including 26 in Ukraine alone. It should give a full account of its biological military activities at home and abroad and subject itself to multilateral verification.'

Biden arrives in Poland Friday to talk about the NATO alliance's response to Russia aggression 

The Pentagon says it has invested $200 million in Ukraine since 2005 through its Biological Threat Reduction Program – an offshoot of the Nunn-Lugar program enacted after the end of the Cold War

The Pentagon says it has invested $200 million in Ukraine since 2005 through its Biological Threat Reduction Program – an offshoot of the Nunn-Lugar program enacted after the end of the Cold War

But the U.S. has been open about the labs and on March 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) said that they too had advised Ukraine to destroy high-threat pathogens housed in the country's public health laboratories to prevent 'any potential spills' that would spread disease among the population.

Conspiracy theories about the 'biolabs' date back years – with the latest iteration surfacing just 10 days before Russia's invasion, according the threat intelligence company Pyrra Technologies. Postings proliferated on the day of the invasion. 

'These are all public health and veterinary labs,' said Gregory Koblentz, director of the Biodefense Graduate Program at George Mason University, according to Poynter. 'None of them have been involved in biological warfare'. 

The Pentagon, in its fact sheet, says it 'has worked cooperatively and peacefully with the government of Ukraine to increase biosecurity and biosafety at these sites to ensure pathogens do not pose a risk to the people of Ukraine or the region,' and says research has gone into topics like 'preparing for and controlling African Swine Fever.'

Tucker Carlson referred to a report authored by a Department of Defense director in February, warning that US-funded research in Ukrainian biolabs could be exploited by Russian invaders looking to develop a chemical weapon

Tucker Carlson referred to a report authored by a Department of Defense director in February, warning that US-funded research in Ukrainian biolabs could be exploited by Russian invaders looking to develop a chemical weapon 

The Russians have put out information about the labs for years in what has been called a disinformation campaign, in statements tracked by EU vs. Disinfo

The Russians have put out information about the labs for years in what has been called a disinformation campaign, in statements tracked by EU vs. Disinfo

But even Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., has jumped on to the bioweapons conspiracy, giving a floor speech last week claiming U.S. funding of 'biolabs' in Ukraine could 'lead to deaths' and introduced legislation to 'stop taxpayer funding for bioweapons.'

'No government should be creating bioweapons. That's evil and wrong,' she said. 

The Biden administration last week blasted Russian 'disinformation' after Russia's ambassador to the UN claimed the US was backing an effort to use bats and birds to spread bioweapons.  

'When we're talking about biolabs, we do know for a fact that the U.S. has funded the contracts, not only to take over the labs, reconstruct them, but also build them. And this goes through grants, through private companies, at millions and millions of dollars,' Green said in her speech, which was flagged by Mediaite.

'Now, what if these biolabs are handling very dangerous pathogens that may lead to the deaths in people in the areas? There are reports of possibly deadly pathogens escaping these biolabs in places like Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan. That is responsible for killing people, what if that's true?' she asked. 

She called them 'worthy questions.' 

 'And so for that reason, because it's become such an issue, and because it upsets so many people that I talk to constantly, I have introduced a bill to stop taxpayer funding for bioweapons,' she said. 'Because no government should be creating bioweapons,' she said. 'That's evil and wrong.'

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