Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations

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Sunday 10 April 2022

Consequences of a collapsing nation:  Act now or never

Patients struggling without drugs and essential items for health


Tuesday, 5 April 2022 

Not surprisingly citizens of this beautiful island nation have come to think that those who we elected with voluminous trust to serve all of us have now turned against the rest of the nation, reaping irresponsibility. While many savagely suffer economic hardship, others aimlessly wander from one pharmaceutical establishment to another with prescription in hand hunting for medication essential to hang on to dear life.

I have unfortunately witnessed patients struggling without drugs and essential items for health. Some patients tearfully complain that they no longer can afford to purchase the prescribed drugs, and others with more ability, morosely bemoan that most of the drugs are unavailable for purchase even at sky-high prices.

“Tenecteplase”, the wonder drug for heart patients, is one such drug that is rapidly running short of supply. “Tenecteplase” is a drug that is administered as an immediate resort to patients who have suffered heart attacks and is known as a “life-saving drug”.

The responsible parties have made no measures to order the aforementioned drug, nor have they made any arrangements for future purchase. I respectfully request the authorities to take immediate steps to fill the present void of such essential drugs, to avoid unnecessary casualties.

A few steps in a patient’s shoes who is diagnosed with a life-threatening disease will show you how traumatic it is, but when the only treatment is unavailable? Many lives are at stake, and I kindly urge those who are responsible to garner more attention and take necessary measures that would not further risk and jeopardise the civilians.

I usually never get involved in statecraft, however, as a true Sri Lankan and a responsible citizen, I simply cannot let these grave moments pass without interference.

What we see in today’s Sri Lanka, is a set of people who have created themselves a platform to narrate talk shows at the cost of innocent civilians. We visually see a game of political volleyball when each blames the other for failing to respond to the country or its citizen’s wants and needs.

The parties that pledged to shoulder the responsibilities of the nation and protect its citizens, should address the prevailing issues without further delay. Plan and share with the country’s tormented citizens the way to pave to save us all from diving darker and deeper into chaos and crisis.

The whole country feels unstable and insecure. What are the plans to secure our future?

What is the economic blueprint? What are the short and long-term plans that will enable the country to rise once more? The nation wants to know. Please do not keep us in the dark. The dark urges the citizens to be aggressive. Shed light and save Sri Lanka and its citizens.

Unless the rulers change their way of thinking and acting, the island nation once known for its tranquillity and beauty will be heading towards a civil war, a blood bath.

I humbly request the responsible parties to act soon. Do what is right and just. Save Sri Lanka!

I also appeal to my fellow citizens, please note that this crisis is just a passing cloud.

Be smart and do not make hasty decisions. Such are the times we need to be more vigilant, patient, and intelligent. Let us have faith in what we believe in, our strengths and togetherness, and feel the blessings of this beautiful country awaiting to hear us sing praises in harmony.

May peace prevail!

(The writer is a Consultant in General and Interventional Cardiology, National Hospital of Sri Lanka and is a MBBS, MD, FCCP, FRCP, FAPSIC, FACC, FESC.)

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