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Wednesday 13 April 2022

 Standing On The Right Side Of History, Amid Divisive ‘Rajapakse Tactics’!

By W. Vishnu Gupta –

W. Vishnu Gupta

The splendid Mirihana uprising of courageous residents in Nugegoda area on March 31st, 2022, removed the cobwebs from the heads of all Sri Lankans. These cobwebs prevented seeing the reasons for insurrections lead by JVP and LTTE, it prevented seeing the rationale behind every dirty political move made by SWRDB, JRJ, Sirima, Chandrika, Premadasa, Ranil, Maithri, Rajapaksas, and all other political leaders in the current legislature. Certainly, it has taken nearly 74 years for a group of citizens who flocked to Mirihana to express their misery and agony and to remove cobwebs in the psyche of every citizen irrespective of their demographic background. They were apolitical and nonpartisan, and their non-violent agitation won the hearts and minds of many millions of Sri Lankans. Mirihana protesters inspired every citizen without the involvement of the dubious political establishment. The traditional political parties especially, JVP and SJB were highly disturbed by the success achieved by this non-partisan group of men and women, the arrogance and confidence of ruling SLPP was shattered, undoubtedly the President, Prime Minister and the Cabinets Ministers were shaken. Despite the organized political campaign rallies of JVP and SJB well known to spend many millions of rupees, AKD and SP never had any success or getting any footing among the ordinary citizens to oppose the governing ruling party. In response to the demands of Mirihana protesters, President Gota declared a state of emergency next day invoking certain sections of the Public Security Ordinance, which gives him authority to make regulations in the interests of public security, preservation of public order, suppression of mutiny, riot, or civil commotion or for the maintenance of essential supplies.

Yet, many people from every walk of life in every city and hamlet including the residents of Cinnamon Gardens have ignored the emergency laws and started to follow the example set by the Mirihana protesters, they all blame (225+1) for economic insecurity in the country, specifically, and collectively demand the resignation of Rajapaksas.

Maldives, Dubai, Singapore, or Uganda

It was reported that one of the financiers who campaigned vigorously to elect Gota has left for Dubai after sending his family to take sanctuary in the Maldives.

Incidentally, he is being a member of the inner circle of Gota has signalled his corrupt political cohorts, that the time has come to leave the country, because the cover of their illegal business schemes is exposed, and their unscrupulous business ventures are in danger. The question is, which country will accept these dirtbags and scoundrels responsible for making Sri Lanka a failed and bankrupt state. (225+1) must be wondering how to escape from the wrath of the people that they have marginalized for a long time. Those holding dual citizenships may not worry about their future and how to enjoy the ill-gotten wealth. However, others have very few options to seek refuge, Maldives, Singapore, Dubai, and Uganda are only choices left. India most likely will refuse to accept any of the (225+1) fearing a backlash from the people of Sri Lanka and above all India knows the LOVEFEST with Rajapaksas is over, no future government truly elected by the people under a genuine democratic rule will not pay any tribute to Indians.

Few years back, it is alleged that Rajapaksas believed Seychelles would be an ideal place to live lavishly with their kith and kin, unfortunately, that dream was dashed with the election defeat of the political party of MR’s friend James Michel. Only Nivard Cabraal and Rajapaksas know why they opened a Bank of Ceylon branch in Seychelles, an island nation with about 99,000 people. Also, a few months back Rajapaksas introduced the idea of establishing diplomatic relation with Liechtenstein, another haven for billionaires with a population of 39,000 recently. It found no traction in the legislature, and yet to see what happened to the idea; hence Liechtenstein is not viable.

Let’s review other possible destinations, it is well known that MR could not attend the Commonwealth Games held in Glasgow in 2014 despite being chair of the Commonwealth bloc, and he has not visited that country since then, and it simply explains most likely Rajapaksas will not be well received in the UK or in any other European country. The fate of other prominent figures in the (225+1) gang who wish to settle down in Europe are not different from that of Rajapaksas excluding GR and BR with intricate special circumstances.

BR renounced his citizenship in the USA to be the President of Sri Lanka, however, it is doubtful that his wife did the same, therefore his chances of going back to America with his brother BR is still feasible but what about other Rajapaksas.

Families of Mahinda and Chamal, where would they go, their respective constituencies have rejected them and labelled them as thieves and criminals responsible for economic woes of the country. Rajapaksas are blamed for rewarding their wealthy friends with enormous tax/duty breaks, selling national assets, having lovefest with India, amassing a fortune to last many generations, incurable and widespread nepotism and cronyism, and enjoying a culture of consuming imported luxury goods.

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